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Paraiso is an upholstered ottoman for sitting rooms with a fabric or leather upholstery cover. The base structure is composed of painted metal feet available in several colours, allowing you to customise this piece to suit your tastes and needs. The ottoman belongs to the Paraiso collection, which also includes the Paraiso armchair and sofa.
Materials and FinishesCover- fabric, leather (removable)Feet:- matt painted metal- covered in leather
Specifiche Tecniche e MaterialiStruttura: in legno massello e pannelli in fibra di legno.Imbottitura:- seduta: in poliuretano espanso, fodera in vellutino accoppiato a fibra di poliestere.- cuscini di seduta: anima in poliuretano espanso sagomato a densità differenziate e strato in piuma d'oca/anitra in tessuto antipiuma cotone 100%.Piedini: profilo sagomato in metallo verniciato opaco, in alternativa rivestiti in pelle Capri nei colori a Campionario.Rivestimento: tessuto o pelle completamente sfoderabili.
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